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Style Price (£) Leather Thickness
<p>*Single</p> P/4 £85.00


<p>**Double</p> P/4 £100.00


<p>*Single</p> P/5 £95.00


<p>**Double</p> P/5 £110.00


<p>**Double</p> P/6 £110.00


<p>**Double</p> P/7 £100.00


<p>Single, no colour choice</p> P/8 £70.00

Single, no colour choice

<p>Single, no colour choice</p> P/9 £80.00

Single, no colour choice

<p>**Double</p> P/10 £185.00


Leather Thickness This refers to the leather used for the straps of the Pattens. Single = Straps made from one thickness of leather. Double = Straps made from two thickness of leather, the double edges are then overstitched. COLOURS. *Customer has choice of leather colour. **Customer has a choice of leather and overstitch colour.

The prices for Roman footwear are for unstudded footwear where the leather uppers have been hand stitched and the soles are stuck-on with an optional small heel.

The prices shown for the 16th C. footwear, are where the leather uppers have been hand stitched and the soles are stuck-on. Should you require hand welted soles add £90 to prices shown, except style 16/5 which is only available as a Hand Welted shoe.

Style Price (£) Sizes Description
<p>Laced boot - <strong>unstudded</strong></p> R/1 £140.00 2 to 12

Laced boot - unstudded

Laced boot - <strong>unstudded</strong> R/2 £155.00 2 to 12 Laced boot - unstudded
Laced shoe - <strong>unstudded</strong> R/3s £105.00 10 to 1 Laced shoe - unstudded
Laced shoe - <strong>unstudded</strong> R/3 £115.00 2 to 8 Laced shoe - unstudded
<p>Ankle boot, 1 toggle fastening.</p> 10/1 £195.00 4 to 12

Ankle boot, 1 toggle fastening.

Boot with 2 toggle fastening 10/2 £205.00 4 to 12 Boot with 2 toggle fastening
Boot with 3 toggle fastening 10/3 £215.00 4 to 12 Boot with 3 toggle fastening
Laced boot 12/2 £175.00 2 to 13 Laced boot
Lace wrapped round to fasten 12/3 £215.00 2 to 13 Lace wrapped round to fasten
Laced wrapped around boot to fasten. 12/4 £235.00 2 to 13 Laced wrapped around boot to fasten.
Side laced boot. 13/1 £210.00 2 to 13 Side laced boot.
Front toggle fastening 13/3 £180.00 2 to 13 Front toggle fastening
3 toggles to fasten. 13/4 £195.00 2 to 13 3 toggles to fasten.
Laced shoe 14/1 £170.00 2 to 13 Laced shoe
Front laced shoe 14/2 £175.00 2 to 13 Front laced shoe
Sided laced shoe 14/3 £170.00 2 to 13 Sided laced shoe
Single buckle shoe 14/4 £180.00 2 to 13 Single buckle shoe
Single buckle fastening 14/5 £205.00 5 to 13 Single buckle fastening
Toggle fastening. 14/6 £235.00 5 to 13 Toggle fastening.
Ankle boot with buckle. 15/1 £195.00 2 to 10 Ankle boot with buckle.
Ankle boot with thong 15/2 £175.00 2 to 13 Ankle boot with thong
Buckled shoe. 15/3 £170.00 2 to 13 Buckled shoe.
Calf boot, 3 laces 15/4T £220.00 4 to 8 Calf boot, 3 laces
Calf boot, 4 laces 15/4T £230.00 9 to 13 Calf boot, 4 laces
3 buckle fastening calf boot 15/4B £240.00 4 to 8 3 buckle fastening calf boot
4 buckle fastening calf boot 15/4B £250.00 9 to 13 4 buckle fastening calf boot
Side laced shoe. 15/5 £155.00 2 to 13 Side laced shoe.
Front laced ankle boot. 15/6T £180.00 2 to 10 Front laced ankle boot.
Ankle boot with 2 buckles 15/6B £205.00 2 to 10 Ankle boot with 2 buckles
Calf boot 15/7S £280.00 2 to 13 Calf boot
Knee boots. 15/7K £360.00 2 to 13 Knee boots.
Thigh boots. 15/7TH £400.00 2 to 13 Thigh boots.
Side laced shoe with extended toe 15/8 £210.00 2 to 13 Side laced shoe with extended toe
Buckled shoe. 15/9 £175.00 2 to 13 Buckled shoe.
Pull-on boot 15/10 £320.00 2 to 13 Pull-on boot
3 laces. 15/11T £205.00 6 to 13 3 laces.
3 buckles. 15/11B £220.00 6 to 13 3 buckles.
Calf boot, laced with turndown 15/12T £250.00 2 to 13 Calf boot, laced with turndown
Calf boot, 2 buckles & turndown 15/12B £270.00 2 to 13 Calf boot, 2 buckles & turndown
Ankle boot, 1 buckle & turndown 15/13 £220.00 2 to 8 Ankle boot, 1 buckle & turndown
Ankle boot, 2 buckle & turndown 15/13 £230.00 9 to 13 Ankle boot, 2 buckle & turndown
One piece boot with buckle. 15/14 £230.00 2 to 13 One piece boot with buckle.
Wrap-round, knee boot. 15/15K £340.00 2 to 13 Wrap-round, knee boot.
Wrap-round, thigh boot. 15/15TH £400.00 2 to 13 Wrap-round, thigh boot.
Front laced shoe. 15/16 £180.00 2 to 13 Front laced shoe.
Shoe with 1 buckle. 15/17 £195.00 2 to 6 Shoe with 1 buckle.
Shoe with 2 buckles. 15/17 £205.00 7 to 12 Shoe with 2 buckles.
Ankle boot with lace fastening. 15/18 £180.00 2 to 10 Ankle boot with lace fastening.
Shoe with lace fastening. 15/19 £175.00 2 to 12 Shoe with lace fastening.
Boot with lace fastening. 15/20 £205.00 2 to 10 Boot with lace fastening.
Buckle fastening 16/2 £160.00 2 to 11 Buckle fastening
Buckle fastening 16/3 £160.00 2 to 11 Buckle fastening
Concealed Lace fastening 16/4 £170.00 2 to 11 Concealed Lace fastening
Buckle Shoe <strong>Hand Welted Only</strong> 16/5 £275.00 2 to 11 Buckle Shoe Hand Welted Only
<p>Buckle fastening</p> 16/6 £165.00 2 to 11

Buckle fastening

Lace fastening 16/7 £165.00 2 to 11 Lace fastening
Lace fastening 16/8 £195.00 2 to 11 Lace fastening
Lace fastening 16/9 £195.00 2 to 11 Lace fastening
Lace fastening 16/10 £195.00 2 to 11 Lace fastening
Pull-on boot. 16/11 £315.00 6 to 11 Pull-on boot.