Single, no colour choice
Leather Thickness This refers to the leather used for the straps of the Pattens. Single = Straps made from one thickness of leather. Double = Straps made from two thickness of leather, the double edges are then overstitched. COLOURS. *Customer has choice of leather colour. **Customer has a choice of leather and overstitch colour.
The prices for Roman footwear are for unstudded footwear where the leather uppers have been hand stitched and the soles are stuck-on with an optional small heel.
The prices shown for the 16th C. footwear, are where the leather uppers have been hand stitched and the soles are stuck-on. Should you require hand welted soles add £90 to prices shown, except style 16/5 which is only available as a Hand Welted shoe.
Laced boot - unstudded
Ankle boot, 1 toggle fastening.
Buckle fastening